
Showing posts from July, 2022

Move bulk computer objects listed in TXT file to specific OU in Active Directory

List down the servers you want to move in a file named "server.txt". Then find the correct OU where you want to move all computer objects. Note: We assume we need to move the computer accounts in Servers OU under the domain. Run the following script to move all computer objects listed in the notepad file to the required OU. $Servers = Get-Content "C:\servers.txt" $TargetOU = "OU=Servers,DC=nilabh,DC=com" ForEach( $Computer in $Servers ) { Get-ADComputer $Computer | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $TargetOU }

Upgrade the Exchange Server Schema to the latest version

Download the latest schema update from the below links: Exchange Server 2019 Exchange Server 2016 Check the adequate build numbers of effective Cumulative Updates after the upgrade from the below links: Exchange 2019 Active Directory versions Exchange 2016 Active Directory versions Exchange 2013 Active Directory versions Upgrade steps: Copy and paste the latest exchange setup in the Schema Master domain controller. Mount the ISO image to the server. Open PowerShell as Administrator. Navigate to the DVD disk drive and run the following commands: Setup.EXE /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOFF /PrepareSchema Force the AD replication - repadmin /syncall /AdePS Setup.EXE /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOFF /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"MESSAGING" Note: Change the Organization Name according to your organization. If you are not sure, check with the Exchange Administrator. Force the AD replication -  repadmin /syncall /AdePS Setup.EXE /IAcceptExchan...