
Showing posts from August, 2022

Run PowerShell script to multiple servers remotely

List all servers (better FQDN or IP) in a txt file name "servers.txt". Keep the PowerShell script (say script.ps1) at the same location as the text file. $server=Get-Content C:\servers.txtInvoke-Command -ComputerName $server -FilePath C:\script.ps1

Get the list of all Hotfix in multiple servers for specific time period

Create a text file (.txt) with the name "serverlist.txt" and mention all server's FQDN. In this example, we will get the hotfix details from 1st August to 30th August 2022. Note: The date in this script will be MM/DD/YYYY $server = Get-Content .\serverlist.txtGet-Hotfix -ComputerName $server | Where { $_.InstalledOn -gt "8/1/2022" -AND $_.InstalledOn -lt "8/30/2022" } | Select-Object pscomputername,description,hotfixid,installedby,installedon | Export-Csv August_Patch.csv

How to Backup all Microsoft DNS Zones

# Get the name of the server with the env variable $DNSServer=get-content env:computername # Define folder where to store DNS backup $BackupFolder="C:\Windows\System32\DNS\Backup" # Define file name where to store DNS settings $DNSFile=Join-Path $BackupFolder "input.csv" # Check if the folder already exists. If exists, delete all content if (-not(test-path $BackupFolder)) { new-item $BackupFolder -Type Directory | Out-Null } else { Remove-Item $BackupFolder"\*" -recurse } # Get DNS settings using WMI Object $List = get-WMIObject -ComputerName $DNSServer -Namespace root\MicrosoftDNS -Class MicrosoftDNS_Zone # Export information into input.csv file $List | Select Name,ZoneType,AllowUpdate,@{Name="MasterServers";Expression={$_.MasterServers}},DsIntegrated | Export-csv $DNSFile -NoTypeInformation # Call Dnscmd.exe to export DNS zones $list | foreach { $path="backup\"+$ $cmd="dnscmd {0} /ZoneExport {1} {2}" -f $DNSServer,$_.N...